Teatro Olimpico notebooks
An editorial series promoted by the Vicenza Municipal Councillor for Culture. Available books can be bought for 2 euros each from the offices of the Cultural and Museum Activities Service (Levà degli Angeli, 11 Tel. + 39 0444 222 101 Email: infocultura@comune.vicenza.it).

Volume 1 “Il Molière malato” (The Sick Molière)
The first Italian translation of Élomire hypocondre, the comedy-libel against Molière
Edited by Sandro Bajini
Volume 2 “Il cartellone ’99” (The programme for ’99)
With presentations of the 52nd Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Riccardo Brazzale and Loretta Simoni
Volume 3 “Un melologo dall’Ade” (A melodrama from Hades)
With the German and Italian words of “…La strada che conduce a Vicenza è piacevolissima…” (The road that leads to Vicenza is very pleasant) with the previously unpublished melodrama Proserpina
Edited by Grazia Pulvirenti
Volume 4 “La guerra dei due Carli” (The war of the two Charles)
With the Scrittura contestativa al taglio della Tartana (Writing Protesting against the cutting of the Tartan) and the Il Teatro Comico all’Osteria del Pellegrino (Comic Theatre at the Pilgrim’s Tavern) by Carlo Gozzi
Edited by Sandro Bajini
Volume 5 “Nel dolore la gioia mi parla” (Joy speaks to me in pain)
With Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles..
Edited by Vincenzo Fumarola and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 6 “Tu hai preferito vivere, io morire”(You preferred to live, I, to die)
With Antigone by Sophocles translated by Giovanni Raboni, with parallel text in Greek and Italian
Edited by Maria Grazia Ciani and Francesco Donadi
Volume 7 “Diario 2000” (Diary for 2000)
With presentations of the 53rd Cycle of Classic Performances.
Edited by Riccardo Brazzale, Remo Schiavo and Loretta Simoni
Volume 8 “Madness in great ones”
With Hamlet by William Shakespeare in English.
Edited by Sergio Perosa and Loretta Simoni
Volume 9 “Medea: il mito in musica” (Medea: the legend in music)
With the text of Medea by Friedrich W. Gotter in the original version and “translated into the Italian language”
Edited by Giovanni Guglielmo and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 10 “Diario 2001” (Diary for 2001)
With presentations of the 54th Cycle of Classic Performances and Macbeth by William Shakespeare in English
Edited by Riccardo Brazzale, Remo Schiavo and Loretta Simoni
Volume 11 “La vergine degli artigli” (The virgin with claws)
With the text of the Infernal Machine by Jean Cocteau adapted for the stage by Piergiorgio Piccoli
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Piergiorgio Piccoli
Volume 12 “Un’armata per uccidere una Vergine” (An armada to kill a Virgin)
With Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides and Iphigenia in Tauris by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Edited by Vincenzo Fumarola and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 13 “Diario 2002” (Diary for 2002)
With presentations of the 55th Cycle of Classic Performances and Arianna in Naxos by Johann Christian Brandes, translated into Italian by Quirino Principe
Edited by Riccardo Brazzale, Remo Schiavo and Loretta Simoni
Volume 14 “Off with his head!”
With the original English text of Shakespeare’s Villains by Steven Berkoff with parallel text in Italian
Edited by Sergio Perosa and Loretta Simoni
Volume 15 “Diario 2003” (Diary for 2003)
With presentations of the 56th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Carlo Bertinelli
Volume 16 “Diario 2004” (Diary for 2004)
With presentations of the 57th Cycle of Classic Performances
Volume 17 “Diario 2005” (Diary for 2005)
With presentations of the 58th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Loretta Simoni
Volume 18 “Diario 2006” (Diary for 2006)
With presentations of the 59th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Loretta Simoni
Volume 19 “Medea”
With Medea by Euripides translated by Dario Del Corno
Volume 20 “Prometeo incatenato” (Prometheus bound)
With Prometheus bound by Aiskhylos, translated by Monica Centanni
Volume 21 “Diario 2007” (Diary for 2007)
With presentations of the 60th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Loretta Simoni
Volume 22 “Elettra, la solitudine degli eroi” (Electra, the solitude of heroes)
With Electra by Sophocles, translated by Caterina Barone
Volume 23 “Diario 2008” (Diary for 2008)
With presentations of the 53rd Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Marianna Giollo
Volume 24 “Edipo Re” (Oedipo Rex)
Sophocles today and his editions with music at the Olimpico at the turn of the twentieth century
Volume 25 “Tis pity she’s a whore”
The fatal transgressions written by John Ford
Volume 26 “Diario 2009” (Diary for 2009)
With presentations of the 62nd Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 27 “Euripide o la decostruzione delle storie” (Euripides or the deconstruction of stories)
With Andromache by Euripides, translated by Monica Centanni and The Bacchae by Euripides, translated by Caterina Barone
Edited by Davide Susanetti and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 28 “Diario 2010” (Diary for 2010)
With presentations of the 63rd Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Remo Schiavo and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 29 “Oreste. Prolegomeni per un romanzo criminale” (Orestes. Prolegomena for a crime novel)
With Orestes by Euripides, translated into modern Greek by Stratis Paschalis with parallel text in Italian by Mattia De Poli
Edited by Davide Susanetti and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 30 “Erodiade. La solitudine e l'attesa” (Hérodiade. Solitude and Waiting)
With Hérodiade by Giovanni Testori, adapted for the stage by Francesca Manieri
Edited by Riccardo Brazzale and Giovanni Salviati
Volume 31 “Elektra”
With Elektra by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, translated and adapted by Carmelo Rifici
Edited by Nuala Distilo and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 32 “Diario 2011” (Diary for 2011)
With presentations of the 64th Cycle of Classic Performances.
Edited by Riccardo Brazzale, Caterina Barone and Sergio Perosa
Volume 33 “Diario 2012” (Diary for 2012)
With presentations of the 65th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Dino Piovan and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 34 “Diario 2013” (Diary for 2013)
With presentations of the 66th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Dino Piovan and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 35 “Diario 2014” (Diary for 2014)
With presentations of the 67th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Dino Piovan and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 36 “Diario 2015” (Diary for 2015)
With presentations of the 68th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Dino Piovan and Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 37 “Diario 2016” (Diary for 2016)
With presentations of the 69th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Laera e Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 38 “Diario 2017” (Diary for 2017)
With presentations of the 70th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Franco Laera e Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 39 “Diario 2018” (Diary for 2018)
With presentations of the 71st Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Franco Laera e Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 40 “Diario 2019” (Diary 2019)
With presentations of the 72nd Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Dino Piovan e Riccardo Brazzale
Volume 41 “Diario 2020” (Diary 2020)
With presentations of the 73rd Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Cesare Galla
Volume 42 “Diario 2021” (Diary 2021)
With presentations of the 74th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Cesare Galla
Volume 43 “Diario 2022” (Diary 2022)
With presentations of the 75th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Cesare Galla
Volume 44 “Diario 2023” (Diary 2023)
With presentations of the 76th Cycle of Classic Performances
Edited by Cesare Galla